Friday, July 8, 2011

All The Small Things

Word peeps. That was a weird opening line. Anywho, Blink is touring again. Hells yah. In public school, Blink was everybody's favourite band. Then they had to go all serious and emo and it just wasn't the same. It was still great music but just not the same old Blink. I'm secretly hoping that this new album they're working on will be a throw back to their crazy high school days when they wrote songs about farts and being awkward around girls. If not I guess I won't be too let down. I'm just glad they're friends again. This is "Wasting Time" from Cheshire Cat. This song is the tits.

All Time Low just came out with a new album called "Dirty Work". I plan on aquiring this album on Tuesday when I go get Alkaline Trio's new album. I've heard a few songs from the new album and it sounds pretty good so far. They're on a major label now (Interscope is pretty major right?) so I'm hoping they didn't get totally screwed over. They do make fun of Kesha in one of their songs so so far so good. This song isn't the greatest but the music video is worth a watch... they poke some good fun at Gaga and K. Perry.

Damn, some Osker just came on... Why did these guys have to break up? They put out 2 of the best punk albums ever and then just stopped being a band. There is not a single song, note, chorus, or verse that isn't amazing. I mean, these guys clearly had issues and hated life but they knew how to make music. Their first album was pretty hard but still depressing. Their second album was one hell of an emotional tornado. If you're ever depressed and need music to listen to, play Idle Will Kill. My favourite song is "Kinetic"; it's too amazing for words. It's also too depressing to play on here (look it up though) so you're getting "Panic" off of Treatment 5 instead.

Alrighty, time for some Less Than Jake. Oh baby do I love these guys. Borders & Boundaries is a definite top 10 album of all time. Start to finish it's nothing but pure awesomeness. This is one of my fav songs from that album, "Gainsville Rockcity".

Til next time... keep your stick on the ice...

Later Days peeps!

C Dot

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