Monday, December 27, 2010

My Music in 2010

Hey! So this is my first post. I managed to come up with the lamest title ever so it can only get better from here. I'm not sure if there's a theme for this week but I figured since it's almost new years that now would be a good time to look back on 2010 (again, lame but fuck it). This past year was a good one for me and music. It started with Motion City Soundtrack releasing their 4th album My Dinosaur Life. I probably listened to this album for 3 months straight. Bad Religion released a new ablum, The Descent of Man, also awesome. I discovered some new bands like Rockwood and Low Five who need to put out more albums for my listening pleasure. There's probably countless other ablums that I listened to as well but these ones stand out. Here is Motion City's "Her Words Destroyed My Planet" music video. These guys are just awesome. I can't really say anymore about them.

This year was also a big one for music festivals and concerts. In August I went to the Wolfe Island Music Festival and saw some amazing bands. I discovered Diamond Rings there (who at first I thought was a chick but then realized it was a dude with gold spandex and makeup on). I also got to grind with Shad when he jumped into the crowd. I definitely split beer all down his back. Sorry Shad. Then there were The Weakerthans. I admit that I didn't like The Weakerthans when I fisrt heard them a few years ago but they've grown on my and are now one of my favourite bands. Their performance at Wofle Island was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. It was mesmorizing. Here is a phot of Mr. Samson performing "Elegy for Gump Worsley " at the show.

I thought it would be hard to top that weekend but then Pennywise had to come play a show in Toronto at the beginning of September. At first I was sceptical since they've been putting out some below average (for them) material as of late. But at the show I realized why these guys are such huge punk rock legends. They rock. Hard. They only played material from Unknown Road, About Time, Full Circle, and Straight Ahead. It was incredible. It was 90s punk rock all over again. Fletcher was throwing beer into the crowd. Jim was crowd surfacing with the fans even though security was trying to stop any and all forms of mosh pit awesomeness. Dicks. Authority Zero opened for them too. They're also awesome. I ended up talking to the lead singer for a bit after their set and they had to get up at 6 the next morning and drive to Winnipeg for their next show. And by drive, I mean drive. They had to get all of their equipment and 5 band members into a van and drive themselves to Winnipeg. It was kinda nice to realize that old school music hasn't changed that much.  So I wanted to show you Pennywise's "Same Old Story" from their About Time album but Youtube doesn't seem to have it. Lame. The song is aweomse, I used it in a grade 11 english project on the Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by our friend Mr. Richler. It was probably the only project in english I ever enjoyed doing. The video is equally as awesome since the kid just skateboards around for 3 minutes. Instead you get "Society" from Full Circle. Its also awesome. Enjoy.

So that was 2010. Other noteable experiences were the Diamond Rings Show in Guelph and the roadtrip up the west coast from Eugene to Portland. That van ride was long and awesome thanks to cool people who like to rock out to whatever song is playing. T Money was the request master (I found the lost Gob album with Elin for next time). Tourts was drunk for a short period and sang at the top of her lungs. Kozi and Sam got a headaches and requested the music be turned off. Genest knew all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody. Kyle and Allan made out in the back seat. Even Moulton was having a good time (we think). And of course, Nixon lost his mind and almost killed everyone. All in all, 2010 was pretty awesome. Here's to 2011!

C Dot

PS. Some amendments or additions: Top 10 Albums of 2010 (I'm very bored)

1. Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life
2. Alkaline Trio - This Addiction (I'm ashamed I forgot to mention this one earlier)
3. Diamond Rings - Special Affections
4. Belle & Sebastian - Write About Love
5. Bad Religion - The Descent of Man
6. The Bouncing Souls - Ghosts of the Boardwalk
7. The National - High Violet
8. Wintersleep - New Inheritors
9. Stars - The Five Ghosts
10. Tokyo Police Club - Champ
(11.) Wolf Parade - Expo 86
(12.) Vampire Weekend - Contra

Honourable Mentions:
The Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Bedouin Soundclash - Light the Horizon
Born Ruffians - Say It
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record
Caribou - Swim
Gord Downie - The Grand Bounce
Forest City Lovers - Carriage
Library Voices - Denim on Denim
Sum 41 - Screamer
John K. Samson - Provincial Road 222
Rogue Wave - Permalight

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. Runners plus good music is not a bad combination
