Monday, April 11, 2011

Brain, Lane, Train, Pain, Wane, Crane, Blaine, Yain, Fain, Jain, Quain, Dian...

Hey y'all,

if the title is any indication of what you're gonna get today it might be a rocky post.  I know most people are used to doing school work all the time but not yours truly.  Yesterday I spent all my mental energy writing an essay on the futures of South African femininity in postcolonial fictions.  Don't get me wrong. I like writing.  It's like doing a puzzle, or a crossword, or playing scrabble.  You have to figure out how certain pieces fit together and the fight combination of letters to use and all that kind of stuff, but it drains the brain.

Walking out of the library last night this Handsome Furs song came on.  It was perfect:

Also a really nice moment was while I was out on a run on Saturday. I don't usually run on Saturdays but I'm deciding to push the envelope a bit.  This new Shad/Cadence weapon song came on.  It goes out to my brother who told me he was going to start a punk hip-hop band.  Shit man. What he know about hip hop?

Ok.  A while ago I mentioned I was looking for a new genre of music to really get into.  I've decided that it's gonna be country. I am putting a call out to musicians to start a country rock band:

Ok friends. I'm off to write write write.

Peace of mind!
Rob J

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